Elvington Home Learning Projects – Week 5

Please find below the relevant home learning tasks for week beginning Monday 4th May 2020.  Once the children complete the activities, please feel free to share these with us on our Twitter page or via the email addresses below…

If you need any advice regarding EYFS/KS1 tasks please email Miss. Palmer: c.palmer@elvingtonprimary.org.uk
For KS2, please email Mrs. Holmes: s.holmes@elvingtonprimary.org.uk

Can I please remind you that the children who attend school will be working on the same home learning tasks as those individuals staying at home. A reduced number of staff will be in school, however, I will be here each day – head@elvingtonprimary.org.uk.

A number of videos have been created for your child/ren.  Here are the links:

Miss. Rushmer has created a video via Tapestry.

Miss. Palmer’s – https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6c_fhg4AWV4

Mrs. Harvie’s – https://youtu.be/4WzhP1bFdpg

Mrs. Holmes’ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fDewasj7EU&feature=emb_logo

Mrs. Haffey’s – https://youtu.be/2T9viEjnVIw

Mrs. Marjoram’s – https://youtu.be/zgMlpz4YzHw

Mr. Buttery’s – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AJ2t6VWyGI

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in working together to ensure the safety and well-being of all those in our school community.

In addition to the projects below, please don’t forget to visit www.elvingtonprimary.org.uk/general/non-compulsory-ve-day-activities, for non-compulsory VE Day activities.  

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Andrew Buttery

Home Learning Class 1 (EYFS) – Week 5

Home Learning Classes 1 and 2 (Year 1)- Week 5

Home Learning Class 2 (Year 2) – Week 5 

Y1- Alternative Spelling Air Task

Y1- Joining the Minibeast to its Habitat Activity

Y1+2- Time Capsule Sheets

Y2- Joining the Minibeast to its Habitat Activity

Y2- Reading Comprehension- Billy’s Sunflower

Home Learning Class 3 (Year 3) – Week 5

Home Learning Class 4 (Year 4) – Week 5

Home Learning Class 4 (Year 5) – Week 5

French colours Year 4 and 5

SPAG task 4 Y5

Taking care of a cat Year 4 reading

Year 4 SPAG task 4

Usain Bolt Year 5 reading

Home Learning Class 5 (Year 6) – Week 5

75th Anniversary of VE Day Tasks and Challenge

Chapter 2 and 3 Room 13 Tasks

First News

mean powerpoint

Resources Summer week 3

VE day resources