How Do We Communicate With Parents & Carers?

At Elvington Church of England Primary School, we believe that it is essential to develop strong and effective partnerships with parents/carers.  We aim to establish a mutually supportive and respectful relationship with all our parents/carers where trust and respect is at the heart of all we do. We aim to keep parents informed and involved, through working in partnership together in order to help every pupil achieve their full potential to grow spiritually, morally and socially within a strong Christian ethos.

Website: We use our website as a repository of key information and an entry point for prospective parents. It is not the place to see ongoing conversation from the school, although you can find the latest newsletters here.  We also publish key school dates on our website calendar.

Twitter: We run a Twitter account and use it to celebrate our successes and give you an ongoing insight into life at School.

Curriculum Newsletters: These are sent out at the beginning of Autumn, Spring and Summer terms.  The newsletters contain information about what the children will be learning during that term and how parents/carers can support their child’s learning, and will also be published on the class pages.

Newsletters: These are sent out on a weekly basis giving information on dates; events; what is happening or going to happen in school; celebration of achievements and general information.  A copy can also be found here on the website.

Letters: Email distribution of letters provides information that is specific to an individual child or class.  Please ensure we have the correct contact details to facilitate communication.  We really like the fact that it is paperless and that we know you are always getting messages, even if your child is absent from school.

Noticeboards: Provide relevant information for parents/carers and the community.

Daily Welcome: Each morning, staff are available either on the main playground or at the doorways of their classes to meet and greet the children and provide parents the opportunity to informally share any information. The Headteacher (Mr. Andrew Buttery) is also visible and accessible for parents/carers and children.  If you require a private discussion, please contact Mrs. Greening in the office.

Parents’ Evening Consultations: Individual consultations with parents/carers are arranged during the Autumn and Spring Terms, to discuss children’s progress/targets.  Appointments can also be arranged at the end of the Summer Term to discuss end of year reports.

Parental Feedback: We welcome comments and feedback from parents, carers or visitors about any aspect of the work we do at school. Equally we welcome any suggestions that will help us to further develop our partnership with parents/carers.

The school will regularly seek parental views on a range of topics affecting pupils’ education through questionnaires, surveys and verbal discussion. Feedback is valued, and responses are seriously considered and actioned where appropriate and in pupils’ best interests.