Physical Literacy at Elvington Primary Church of England Primary School

Physical Literacy is about building skills, knowledge and behaviours to lead active and healthy lives. It is a holistic approach to learning that gives children and learning the following skills to achieve healthy active lives:

  • physical skills
  • attitudes and emotions that motivate you to be active
  • social skills to be active with others
  • knowledge and understanding of how, when and why you move

At Elvington Church of England Primary, we strive to offer this to all our pupils by:

Physical skills

We offer a stimulating, enjoyable and challenging PE curriculum enhanced by a high quality provision. We enhance our teaching day with a range of visiting coaches from the local community. This allows children to continue their joy for sport outside of school in local clubs. For example: York City Hockey Club, Yorkshire Cricket Club. York City Knights. We also have a Sports Week, Outdoor and Adventurous visits and an Active Games Afternoon, run by a local secondary school,


We have many opportunities for Physical activity to be a social activity. We provide resources and equipment for physical activity at a variety of times throughout the school day. Breakfast club have access to their own store pe equipment which is freely available. Lunchtime equipment is also available alongside our Play Leaders who run activities with the younger children and offer challenges for KS2. We offer extracurricular sporting clubs run by club coaches and ourselves.


We provide opportunities to promote a positive mind set in school. Alongside our PSHE curriculum, we utilise mental health workshops run by outside agencies. Our partnership with York Schools Sport has allowed us access to a mental health programme. In addition, Year 5 and 6 have been able to access online workshops. We take mental health and wellbeing seriously and offer a continuous ELSA provision across school.


We help pupils to understand how and why our body should work well in order to be healthy. Alongside our science curriculum, we exploit opportunities to further our pupils knowledge. For example, we use Phunky Foods across school to promote healthy eating. Our school council have also worked alongside Phunky foods to promote healthy snacks at playtime. We promote Walk to School Week three time a year. We want our children to be safe outside school so there is a biannual programme of bike and pedestrian training offered to KS2 children.

Click here for an overview of the Sport and Physical Education provision in school