February Parents’ Evenings

We will be continuing to use our online booking system for the upcoming Parents’ Evenings on Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th February. The online booking system will open on Monday 22nd January, at 8am and close at 12pm on Friday 2nd February. Please ensure your time slot is reserved by this date and time.

The aforementioned booking system is provided by School Jotter and will enable parents/carers to make their own bookings within the available time slots.

Meetings will be taking place between 3:30pm and 6:30pm.

Please click here for further information regarding our February Parents’ Evenings.

For those of you who have used School Jotter before, your username and password remain the same; the password can be changed if you have forgotten this.  Mrs. Greening will be in touch with login details, for Parents/Carers who are new to Elvington Church of England Primary School,  as soon as she receives them.