Christmas Card Designs – new deadline!

There were a few sad children today, as they had either forgotten their Christmas design or hadn’t managed to finish it in time.  For this reason, I have pushed back the collection date to Tuesday 11th October.
For every product sold the PTA gets a percentage paid to them.  The PTA supports the school by raising money to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences and opportunities for the children.  We are therefore extremely grateful for your support with this project.  If your child needs a design sheet there is still time!
We used this company last year and the quality of the products was extremely high, making ideal Christmas Gifts for friends and relatives.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me should you need any further information.
Kind regards,Mrs Greening

Need labels? PTA fundraiser!

Help us to win the battle with lost property by labelling your child’s belongings, and raise money for the PTA at the same time!

Remember to order using our unique school code of 6819 and you can help raise funds for the PTA!

Stikins are multipurpose name tags that can be used to label clothes and fabric items, shoes and bags, lunch boxes and water bottles, P.E. kits and stationery, and all kinds of other personal belongings. They stick on – no sewing or ironing required – so you can label everything in minutes and have been independently tested using the ISO6330 wash test procedure for 60 washes at 40 degrees; Stikins can be put through washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, and microwaves.

The labels can be ordered at and if you enter our unique school code, which is 6819, before you checkout your order you can help to raise valuable funds for our fabulous PTA!


P.T.A. We’d love to see you!


We are hoping to hold our next PTA meeting in Elvington School on 29th September 2022 at 6.00 pm.

The time has changed back to 6:00 pm due to PTA members availability.

Due to this, there will now be no childcare facilities.

We’d love to see some new faces and all are welcome. 

We’d like to build a plan for fundraising for the forthcoming year. The PTA team are very easy going and as a team there is no expectation of time commitment. We give as much or as little time as we have spare to help. Some of the amazing things that the PTA helped fund last year included the school iPads, the new school books, the David Attenborough Day and The S.T.A.R. Barn, theatre shows, Story tellers, Purple Pig visits, and so much more.

We’d love for you to join us…The PTA Team


Summer BBQ – Change Of Venue!

As I am sure you are aware, the PTA Summer BBQ will be taking place later today (5:30 to 8:30pm). Sadly, the venue has had to change from the School to Lower Derwent Sports Club. Please note, there is a Bar at the venue so your own alcohol cannot be consumed. A huge amount of effort goes into organising and running events of this nature, so it would be wonderful to see as many of you there as possible…

Elvington PTA Summer BBQ

Please see the information below regarding Elvington PTA’s Summer BBQ. Please note that all children in attendance will need to be accompanied by a supervising adult/s. 
This is the first fundraising event we have been able to hold on School Grounds for over two years; your support will be greatly appreciated on Friday 1st July…
If you would like to join the PTA, or would just like to find out more about how we work together to support Elvington Church of England Primary School, please visit our page on the school website,
Many thanksElvington PTA
Join us for our BBQ. All Welcome :) Elvington School Summer Barbecue. Live Band - Drinks Bar - BBQ - Inflatables. Friday July 1st, 5.30-8.30pm, entry £5 (includes band and unlimited use of inflatables)

PTA News – easyfundraising

Click to go to the easyfundraising site

Elvington’s PTA Team are registered with easyfundraising, which means you can raise FREE donations for us every time you shop online. Over 4,000 shops and sites from Amazon to holidays and car insurance, will donate to us when you use easyfundraising, at no extra cost to yourself!

These donations make a BIG difference as we’ve missed out on many events due to Covid-19. It’s completely FREE and only takes a moment. You can find our easyfundraising page at: utm_campaign=raise-more&utm_content=en-e1

Thank you from the PTA!

A big thank you to everyone who donated to the PTA stalls at the Jubilee party and supported us on the day. We raised an amazing £250 over the games stall and tombola which will be spent on educational and fun activities for the children. A special shout out to Daisy and Eva in class 5 who were a massive help on the tombola!The PTA Team

PTA Jubilee Tombola

The PTA will be holding a Tombola at the village Jubilee Fair. They would be extremely grateful for any donations of gift sets, wine, chocolate etc. If you would like to donate any items for this event, please contact Emma Hartley or send them into school.

Many thanks.