School Council Update

The school council has been very busy in the Autumn term.  They have weekly meetings and are very proactive!!!!

  1. Litter project Spring 2019 – they intend to run a competition with funding from the Ward council. The prizes will be metal signs displayed around the village. They will work in collaboration with York city council. They have also written to the Parish council to inform them and hope they will contribute for further prizes….watch this space.
  2. Be safe be seen – they have invited Christine Packer into school from the City Council to deliver a safe be seen message in assembly. An HGV will also visit school to make pupils aware of safety on the roads regarding HGVs-stopping distance 7 visibility.
  3. They ran a successful dress up for Children in need day
  4. They have placed an ideas box for pupils to use and look at this during our weekly meetings.(Play leaders requested extra equipment which has now been bought.
  5. They are currently investigating whether a leavers hoodie could be sold at the end of the year.