Update from Governing Board

Hello Parents and Carers,
My name is Jodie Sharma, and I am the newly elected Chair of Governors at our school. Some of you may know me- I have a son, Nihal, in Year 6 and have been a Governor at the school for a few months now. I have previous experience of being a Chair of Governors, and as a Trustee at South York Mat, and am really looking forward to working with our dedicated Board, Mr Buttery and the whole team at Elvington Primary School.

We are going through a few other changes of membership as a Board:
We have been very lucky to have had Bill Pigg and Barbara Ellis as our Chairs previously, and I know I certainly have big shoes to fill. We are lucky that Bill is staying on as a Governor, and Barbara is kindly staying with us for a while to help as we settle in new members for which I am very grateful!
The Diocese has just approved our new Foundation Governor, Dave Brett, who I look forward to welcoming at our next Full Governor’s Board in January.
Phil Watt who was a governor at Elvington School for 5 years has just finished his time with us. On behalf of the Board, I’d like to thank Phil for his time and enthusiasm. He will certainly be missed.
Finally, I’m very pleased to say that Katy McCaffrey has agreed to be our Vice-Chair and we are already working closely together on priorities for the coming year.
We have hit the ground running this year. Our immediate strategic priority is to refresh our long term vision and strategy for the School; to make sure we understand how we want our school to continue to flourish over the next few years, and what we need to do to make sure that happens. We will keep you updated on our progress over the next few months!

Finally for now, we have a couple of vacancies on the Governing Board. If you or someone you know might be interested in joining our friendly, committed group, please do get in touch and I’d be happy to talk to you about the roles available. My email address is j.sharma@elvingtonprimary.org.uk.

Thank you,

Jodie Sharma
Chair of Governors
Elvington Primary School