Our Amazing New Garden

???????????????????????????????We had a super afternoon when the Bishop of Selby came to visit. During his time with us, Bishop John had a tour of the school, spoke to the School Council and officially opened our new quad garden area.

We were delighted that so many of the people who contributed to making the quad garden possible were able to join us for the opening. It was wonderful to be able to say a proper thank you to everyone, and especially to Jon and Tony, it couldn’t have been done without you!

We’d like to thank everyone who spared the time to come along to the event, it was lovely to see so many parents, governors and friends in the community in school. KS2 also entertained everyone with a sneak preview of one of the songs that they will be performing in the summer Joseph show; it was absolutely amazing!

Staff and children are now looking forward to using the garden within lesson time to relax and learn for many years to come.