Changes to 2021 National Curriculum Assessments

Dear Parents/Carers,

Earlier today, Thursday 3rd December, the Secretary of State for Education announced measures to support pupils taking exams and assessments in 2021.

The DfE recognise the difficulties that primary schools are facing in light of the ongoing disruption caused by COVID-19.  Therefore, they have altered their approach to the 2021 national curriculum assessments.

For 2021, they have removed: 

  • All key stage 1 (KS1) tests. 
  • The key stage 2 (KS2) English grammar, punctuation and spelling test. 
  • The requirement to make and report teacher assessment judgements for science at KS1 and KS2. 

To further support schools, the DfE: 

  • Have delayed the statutory introduction of the multiplication tables check.
  • Have extended the timetable variation periods for phonics and KS2, to allow schools greater flexibility if pupils cannot take the tests on the scheduled dates because of coronavirus disruption. 

This means that the following statutory assessments will continue in 2021: 

  • The phonics screening check for year 1 pupils (and year 2 pupils who have not met the expected standard previously). 
  • KS2 English reading and mathematics tests. 
  • KS1 and KS2 teacher assessment (excluding science). 

The aforementioned points will impact on all schools.  We will release updated assessment information in due course – thank you for your continued support…

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Andrew Buttery