Year 6 SATs Meeting for Parents and Carers

We would like to invite parents and carers of the Year 6 children to a Year Six Parents’ meeting where we can show you how home and school can best support your child. This will be a virtual meeting via Google Meet. 

The session will cover the strategies we use in class and offer some practical ways for you to support and encourage your child/ren in their learning. We hope this will help give you a clear picture of your child’s learning journey during this period of preparation. During the meeting you will have the opportunity to see examples of test style questions that your children will be presented with during the SATs tests (13th – 16th May 2024).

Families have been sent further information about this, including details of the Google Meet, via email.

If it is not possible for you to attend the aforementioned meeting, a copy of the PowerPoint will also be uploaded to the School website.