Update – 20/03/2020

Dear Parents/Carers,
Following on from my last update, I am now writing to confirm that we will be opening the school from Monday 23rd March, to a much reduced number of children. Those parents/carers who are within the categories mentioned in my earlier email, and have a child/ren who cannot be “safely cared for at home”, will be able to access school between 8.30am to 3.15pm each week day. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to provide either a breakfast club or any form of after school care during these extremely challenging times.

The children who attend school will be working on the same home learning projects as those individuals staying at home. A reduced number of staff will be in school, however, I will be here each day. Please look out for additional bespoke projects which will be made available via email and on our website from Monday.

If you have not approached us about your child/ren continuing to attend school, could you please do so as soon as possible, to confirm that you work in one of the critical sectors listed, and you cannot keep your child safe at home – head@elvingtonprimary.org.uk – thank you.

Children who are in attendance will need to wear their normal school uniform and bring in either a packed lunch or have a school dinner. It would also be appreciated if they could bring a PE kit to school.

Please see the attached letter from City of York Council (COVID-19 update and advice).

Once again, your ongoing support is much appreciated…

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Andrew Buttery

COIVD-19 Letter to Parents and Carers FINAL PDF.docx