Pupil Voice

We asked the children at Elvington Church of England Primary School to give us their opinion about our School.  Below is a selection of direct quotes from a child in each year group:

For me it’s all the thought and support that makes Elvington an amazing school, as our dedicated teachers never fail to encourage each child.  They give each individual opportunities to shine in their own way!  Thought and care goes into all lessons and activities.  Groups are organised to ensure each individual leaves as the best person they can possibly be – I know that when I leave Elvington I will be the best me! Sophie, Year 6

Elvington school has a lot of wonderful qualities that makes us different.  Our teachers are kind, caring and loving (not only teachers but all staff).  We have a front playground, back field, an adventure playground and even a science garden.  Our lessons are fun, the teachers are understanding and amazing.  Mr. Buttery is the best Headteacher ever!Nina, Year 5

Elvington is a great school because the lessons are fun and have a more practical approach.  The staff are really kind and the children are nice and welcoming.  There is a friendly atmosphere and you can earn pen licences in Year 4!Nihal, Year 4

Our teachers are kind and help us with our work – they have high standards.  At breaktime the teachers help us whenever we fall over or if we have a little fallout with our friends.Emma, Year 3

If I am sad, school cheers me up.  I love Elvington school!Isaac, Year 2
I like Miss. Croasdale and Miss. Palmer and absolutely everything about the school!Eliza, Year 1
We have a castle that I like, a lego area and a kitchen.  I love playing with my friends in the construction area, where we can make things.Jett, EYFS