Elvington Home Learning Projects – Week 9

Dear Parents/Carers,
Please find below the relevant home learning tasks for week beginning Monday 8th June 2020. Once the children complete the activities, please feel free to share these with us on our Twitter page or via the email addresses below…

If you need any advice regarding home learning, please email Mrs. Holmes: s.holmes@elvingtonprimary.org.uk

Can I please remind you that the children who attend school will be working on the same home learning tasks as those individuals staying at home. An increased number of staff will be in school (this will heavily restrict their ability to support home learning, as the staff will be working their contracted hours in school). I will continue be here each day – head@elvingtonprimary.org.uk

A number of videos have been created for your child/ren. Here are the links:

Miss. Palmer’s – https://youtu.be/Lj8tbWO1jWg
Mrs. Holmes’ – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd4CalE4zOc

Please remember that the attachments below should be viewed as a menu to select from – there is no expectation to complete everything.
In addition, only print when necessary…

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in working together to ensure the safety and well-being of all those in our school community.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Andrew Buttery


Home Learning Class 1 (EYFS) – Week 9

Year 1

Home Learning Class 2 (Year 1) – Week 9

Y1- 10s and 5s Times Table Rockstar Sheets

Y1- Material Hunt In Your Home

Y1- Multplication Arrays

Year 2

Home Learning Class 2 (Year 2) – Week 9

Y2- 5s and 4s Times Table Rockstar Sheets

Y2- Material Hunt In Your Home

Y2- Multiplication Array Sheet

Year 3

Home Learning Class 3 (Year 3) – Week 9

Year 4

Home Learning Class 4 (Year 4) – Week 9

Y4 and Y5 animal symmetry

Y4 and Y5 life cycle explanation

Y4 Garden birds comprehension

Y4 maths mat 3

Y4 ordering angles

Y4 SPAG task 8

Year 5
Home Learning Class 4 (Year 5) – Week 9

Y5 Dog comprehension

Y5 maths mat 3

Y5 missing angles

Y5 SPAG task 8

Year 6
Home Learning Class 5 (Year 6) – Week 9

Y6 Holes Q and A Ch 19-24

Y6 Maths Fractions Revision